How's this for a conspiracy theory?


New member
Nov 18, 2008
January 20th 2009...........The most powerful nation in the world inaugurates Barack Obama...Obama fixes the economy within two years and brokers a peace deal between Israel and it's Muslim neighbors......then he exposes his true identity....the son of perdition...the anti-Christ.......World War III here we come.....Are you ready?
Its just that... a theory. A speculation. Hypothesis. Opinion

Add conspiracy to that word and what you get is people in denial desperately grasping for anything that will keep them in their ignorant little world.
It's terrible because you provide no motivation for WW3. In your theory, Obama solves the economic and foreign policy problems -- what cause is there then for war? If he came on TV and said "I'm the anti-Christ" who would care if he fixed all those problems?
If he fixes our economy resulting in a global recovery in two years AND brokers a peace deal in the mid east, he can't be anything but a God sent angel! ;o)
Who'd want to go to war with the world when the world is fixed?
Sounds like a great book idea. You should pitch it to a publisher.

As for reality; not very likely to happen. ALL of the world's religions are false.