I’m interested in knowing your thoughts (Christians, Atheist) on this hypothetical...


New member
Dec 3, 2010
...question? I’m interested in knowing your thoughts (Christians, Atheist) on this hypothetical question

An extremely devoted (good) 39 year old (Christian) woman {is} raped by a 39 year old {evil} (Atheist) man. The (Christian woman (raped victim)) lose her faith in (Jesus completely) and dies by natural causes at her 40th birthday. The (atheist man (the rapist)) also dies by natural causes at his 40th birthday but before he dies-he (truly repents and accepts Jesus Christ as his lord and savior)

According to Christian doctrine what would happen to the (raped victim) will she enter (Eternal Hell?)

According to Christian doctrine what would happen to the (rapist) will he enter (Eternal Heaven?)

The reason of the conversions (would the (rape) incident, for both characters)