i am a newbie for my period and i need help.... please help me?


New member
Dec 13, 2009
ok i am 13 fixing to be 14 in march (i no its late but i need this answered)
and i have had my first period when i was asleep and it turned out to be a brownish black when i went to the bathroom and i was wanting to no if this was normal or abnormal (not normal)
my mom says its normal but idk?
Yes it's normal.
You will see more of this as your periods regulate.

Typically, the brownish black color will occur toward the end of a normal period.
very normal! especially for your first period. alot of times, during the beginning and the end of your period the blood can be a dark brown color because of something having to do with it sitting for a while before actually coming out (something like that - i've researched it!) so dont worry.. completely normal :)
It's normal...trust me.

youre just starting out, your periods are going to be abnormal. when the blood turns red, that is when it gets heavier. ofcourse every woman is differnt. just listen to your mom, nothing to worry about.

btw im 20 and have had my period for 8 years...i kinda no about this stuff :)
It was just the old blood coming out first . That's never happened to me, but it has to my friends .. don't worry .
It's normal, that's old blood. I'll even give you a bonus answer. The reason why your menarche (first time) is "late", probably has something to do with your diet.

Normally, menarche is supposed to start at around age 12-14, but in the past few decades it's been starting as early as 9 years old.
Food is so much more processed nowadays, and it's full of hormones and fats. In women, body fat stimulates estrogen production, which could trigger menarche earlier than usual. Have you noticed how childhood obesity is becoming more regular? Even if not tied, it's an interesting correlation.

Anyway, if anything, I would guess that you're eating healthy. So don't be worried about starting late.