"I am bipolar and straight, but when my meds are off, I become bisexual"?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Okay, these aren't my words - they're someone else's. Somebody made a postsecret about it and I'm kinda wondering about it. How is that possible? What is your take on it?

Even though I in no way think homosexuality is a mental illness, I think mine might be linked to my anxiety disorder. Right around the time where I started to have panic attacks and I had a nervous breakdown when I was 14, that's when I became attracted to girls, started wondering if I was bi or lesbian and I was less attracted to guys. At first the thought freaked me out, but five years later, it doesn't really now...I love women and I prefer being around them over men....but I'm about to take medication, and I'm afraid my attraction to females is going to go away...lol...I know it may sound stupid...but uh....can anyone explain more about this to me?

I'm just trying to figure out if my anxiety disorder came about because I liked girls or if I liked girls because of the anxiety disorder...It's so confusing! Like I said, I'm 100% okay if I'm just bi/lesbian and it has nothing to do with my various mental problems (because I've been emotionally attached to girls for as long as I can remember)...but I still wanna know more....