I am bitter and nothing interests me, why is that?


May 12, 2008
I'm a 23 year old guy in decent physical shape and I'd rate myself maybe a 6/10 in looks yet I don't care about making friends, small talk, dating, etc... I really am quite the hermit, I go to work and then go home and relax and that's all my life consists of. I have no interest in anything most people my age enjoy such as sports or video games, I don't care about drinking, smoking, or drugs either.

Basically I am just an empty husk that goes to work, goes home, takes a shower, sleeps, rinse, repeat day after day... I know that this isn't normal which is why I'm asking this. I've been this way since around 15 years old but it's gotten more serious in the last 2 years. I literally have no life at all, I went on a couple dates about a month ago with a girl but never called her back after the second due to having lost total interest in the matter, I literally found it pointless to continue it and waste more time doing something I couldn't care less about.

I don't really hate anything and will do what's necessary around the house upkeep wise but that's about it, I was always serious as a child as well but like I said, around 15 I totally blew people off.

I don't even want to type anymore, later.