I am desperate over my sexuality?


New member
Jul 22, 2008
I am a paraphiliac. I only get turned on by feet. You cannot comprehend how much that sucks. This isnt a foot fetish; this is an exclusive paraphilia, I dont get turned on by anything else at all. Not breasts penises vaginas absolutely nothing. And the worst bit is this Saturday I'm pretty sure I'm going to have sex with my long term girlfriend of about three months. I have no idea what to do I'm driving myself crazy with nervousness. I do NOT get turned on by anything except feet, male only really. I hate my sexuality. If I was gay I could accept myself, but I'm not even that, I'm just some screwed up f*ck who gets turned on by feet and wouldn't be able to get hard just by looking at a naked woman or man. Ive even been researching methods they use on paedophiles to alter their sexuality, thats how desperate I am. Please someone, like gays who've done straight sex, that doesnt turn u on, give me tips on what I can do to get hard whilst Im having sex whilst not actually being turned on