I am fond of german shepherds and rottweilers however..(people experienced in GSDS...


May 13, 2008
...or Rotties please respond)? I'm not sure I can handle the very demanding training they require.
Exercise? Sure. I am a hiker, outdoorsy person, love to run dogs, they would not be missing out an exercise requirements! I grew up with a pitbull and she was very well trained/exercised because of me and my efforts, but thats another story..
Anyways, I LOVE the look of german shepherds, but have heard they are prone to aggression if not handled correctly, and I am not a "dog expert" by any means, and could not afford to have someone else train them. Obviously I could train basic commands, and I am an experienced dog owner, but I'm fearful the german shepherd may be too much? For those of you that owned GSD's I am wondering just how much of my ideas are true.. are they excessively demanding? Are the prone to agression? Any stories you have to share about that? I do have young children around my house(relatives kids) and a baby will be coming in a few years and I obviously plan to keep my dog whichever I buy for the full length of his or her life. Would you still recommend this breed? Everything I said also applies to rottweilers..Another breed ive always wanted but am scared of aggression/stories/media/ difficulty to train. I'm just trying to be a responsible dog owner here, and yes I have looked up information on both breeds, but I haven't met any in real life that I've spent significant amount of time with. Besides a rott my grandparents owned named Kaiser that WAS aggressive. (they were idiots though).
I guess my main questions are: Are my theories right? Should I chose another dog, or take a chance at buying one?
If I do go through and bring one into my life, what do I need to do?
What is the difference in temperament and handling in Rotts and GSDS? Is there a difference in their genders? im leaning towards a female GSD or a male rott?
Can you please recommend other breeds that look like a german shepherd but with a more mild mannered temperament that isn't known for aggression? I just love the look of german shepherds.
Any other recommendations are appreciated.

Thank you so much