I bought my 8yr old son a puppy, him and his friends were screaming at the

Aug 29, 2008
dog what should I do? They had the dog in the corner of his room and just scream at him and he was so scared.He said they were just practicing to join the army and it was funny I'm so scared when him and his friends get together at my place
Dang that kid must be evil since this has been going on for what 3 weeks. If by chance this could possibly be true re- home the puppy until your family knows how to handle responsibility.
Never leave any child alone with any dog or puppy. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure than neither boy nor puppy come to any harm. Treating a dog as you described above is an act of cruelty. It was no accident that the boys continued shouting and screaming at the dog, knowing and seeing that the dog was scared. They were enjoying it.

It is your home and YOU are in charge of who comes in the door, what they do there and how long they stay. May I suggest some family counseling? I think it is needed.
Ummm...maybe this should be in the parenting section???

This is completely unacceptable, and it's your responsibility to teach your son (who at 8 is perfectly capable of knowing right from wrong) how to properly interact with your puppy.
Yikes! Don't leave them alone with the dog. At all. I'd call their parents and send them home. Then have a chat with my son.

If I ever found my son doing that again, he'd be doing extra chores, no nintendo ds (that's the big one at my house), and I'd bring him with me when I took the dog to puppy class even if he misses his normal soccer games. Get him around a bunch of people that know appropriate ways to act around an animal, and he'd learn by osmosis..

The friends can come back (one at a time) when he shows resposibility.
take the dog away from your sons friends and explain to them what thay are doing wrong. if your sons friends want to practice the army stuff take it outside in the back yard were the pup will not be scared.screaming at a pup is not the way to raise it with family and friends all its going to do is scare the pup and over time the pup will want to get away from people because the pup will see people and and kids a a threat and learn that that all humans are mean and will grow up to be a unfriendly dog and end up in the spca or the shelter were thay wil probably put it to sleep because if the pup bites that's what happened if this screaming continues with the pups first year of learning.
take the dig from your son and punish your son. Make sure he knows how wrong he is. This can be a really serious thing for the dog and your son. I'm so sorry for your puppy.
I would put them all in a corner (with the puppy far far away!) and then scream at them and see how they like it! Then I'd tell them if they do it again, they can't come over any more until they learn some freakin' manners!
you already asked this a couple of weeks ago... get a life....

again if this is true, i pity you for being afraid of a child....