I don't have the rumor of being one, but am I a slut?


May 13, 2008
I'm 17, turning 18. I lost my virginity just after I turned 15 (which is the legal age in Sweden where I live) with my boyfriend after we had been together for 4 months. We stayed together for a year and one month. Since then i have had sex with 10 more people, but I've only had 2 relationships since. Last week, I had sex with 2 guys, both at parties. I always use protection and I only regret having sex with someone once, since i was very drunk and it was in the bathroom stall at a night club. I have also had sex in many other places, including forests, on cars, in bathrooms of restaurants and in a library. I dont brag with my sexual experience but if someone asks i reply honestly. I have only told my best friend about all the things i have done, since well, she is my best friend. I have made out with more people than i can count. I bleach my hair and i usually dont wear a bra (not that it shows).Despite all this, i dont have a rumor as a slut, but i feel that the evidence points at me being one. What do you guys think? And what are the "criterias" for being one? And am I one?
Hi Anna
you are a bit loose with it girl so you would be considered a BIKE here in the united kingdom to most around you.
so you have little or no respect for yourself or your body when it comes to sex.
so where are you going from here is the question so yes you enjoy sex some have a great need for it but do manage to curb the outward signs by having a very high powered male as a partner.
Yeah your only 17 and you've had 10 guys or more.... Im sorry to say but your not going to attract any decent guys unless you lie but wouldn't recommend doing that. You'll get guy sluts . That's all
Hi from France ?

Don't pay attention at what say other people. Just live fully your sexuality, oK ?
Moreover, ' sl*/t ' notion is fake, so there is no criteria ' about that.

We just need to follow our desire (sexual or not), as long as it doesn't hurt other people. You did the right thing so, by living fully your sexuality. It's IF you DIDN'T do it, that you would be wrong, see ?
Anyway I think one day you will find THE right guy for you, in the meantime: HAVE FUN with guys !

Have a nice day
