I don't know what religion I am?


New member
Feb 8, 2009
I am very open minded about it...I accept all religions but I do not want to claim myself one thing, after all....how could one religion be the true religion, that would make the rest of them ....not. do you know what I mean? I just like to focus on the big picture...G-D. that's it....our creator. But what does that make me?

p.s- i'm of muslim background, tho....no one in my immediate family really practices it...my entire family is like this. By tradition(?) we are muslim but we also celebrate Christmas which some might think is quite strange....but we do. we don't build walls for ourselves and say 'no, jesus did not exsist' ..... I just know a lot of the stuff is made up....that's why I'm having trouble w/what religion I am. I just beleive in G-d.
Religion is not one that you were born with but one that must search for the truth.If you just follow the religion of your ancestors then you are no better than most people.

If you have already seek and find the truth,then,that will be your religion,this may be the same one that you are born with or maybe not.
Congratulations, you're following your conscience-the truth God gives to everyone...but many people neglect it...and it's fading...

Like a child or orphan who always look for his/her parents, we who live in this beautiful nature will wonder about our Creator...

I believe in Jesus...if you want you may join..in the catholic church...

John 14 (Contemporary English Version)

John 14
Jesus Is the Way to the Father
1Jesus said to his disciples, "Don't be worried! Have faith in God and have faith in me. [a] 2There are many rooms in my Father's house. I wouldn't tell you this, unless it was true. I am going there to prepare a place for each of you. 3After I have done this, I will come back and take you with me. Then we will be together. 4You know the way to where I am going." 5Thomas said, "Lord, we don't even know where you are going! How can we know the way?"

6"I am the way, the truth, and the life!" Jesus answered. "Without me, no one can go to the Father. 7If you had known me, you would have known the Father. But from now on, you do know him, and you have seen him."

8Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father. That is all we need."

9Jesus replied:

Philip, I have been with you for a long time. Don't you know who I am? If you have seen me, you have seen the Father. How can you ask me to show you the Father? 10Don't you believe that I am one with the Father and that the Father is one with me? What I say isn't said on my own. The Father who lives in me does these things.

11Have faith in me when I say that the Father is one with me and that I am one with the Father. Or else have faith in me simply because of the things I do. 12I tell you for certain that if you have faith in me, you will do the same things that I am doing. You will do even greater things, now that I am going back to the Father. 13Ask me, and I will do whatever you ask. This way the Son will bring honor to the Father. 14I will do whatever you ask me to do.

The Holy Spirit Is Promised
15Jesus said to his disciples:

If you love me, you will do as I command. 16Then I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit who will help you and always be with you. 17The Spirit will show you what is true. The people of this world cannot accept the Spirit, because they don't see or know him. But you know the Spirit, who is with you and will keep on living in you. 18I won't leave you like orphans. I will come back to you. 19In a little while the people of this world won't be able to see me, but you will see me. And because I live, you will live. 20Then you will know that I am one with the Father. You will know that you are one with me, and I am one with you. 21If you love me, you will do what I have said, and my Father will love you. I will also love you and show you what I am like.

God loves you...
I am glad u believe in God, as for Christmas, do u guys go to mass and actually celebrate his birth or just put up a tree and open presents, because thats not really xmas, its just the way it has been made commercially but real xmas is about the birth of Jesus.
also i have a muslim friend who put up a tree, that doesnt mean she is celebrating xmas, she just wanted to put one up for fun. so maybe u guys put up a tree and open presents for fun, thats not really xmas, but if you guys go to the xmas mass and make the nativity scene then maybe u should ask your family about that.
but if u guy do celebrate his bday, then its fine too, in Lebanon they celebrate the christian and muslim holidays.
i have a friend like u tho, she is non-practicing muslim and she doesnt believe all that stuff either. i would say u are agnostic, u believe there is a higher power but u are unsure about it.
tough question to answer,
talk to a priest and ask him your question ask a man from the mosque then ask a rabi , to get an idea.
I will include a website to prove or to show you that they found Noah's Ark, how it was found by the description from the bible as to were it was and how the story happened 6000 years ago and that the bible was written 2000 years ago, I wounder how the bible wrote were it could be found when it is buried in petrified rock in a mountain and the bible described it's dimensions and all if it happened 6000 years ago
consider..........today date is innaccurate, it should be the yea 6009, but it is not, all over the world it is 2009, how come? this is the year Jesus was born, he preached for only three years, did not travel more than 3 miles from his home there was no media, telephone, tv, computer, newspapers , or magazines,and preached in a dictatorship culture not allowing him, just what did he preach to change the date around the world? and we have celebrated his birthday still to this day,all around the world, ...........something to consider?

I read the bible too late in life and wish I had earlier, it explains the correct way to lead your life!!! Wow the mistakes I wouldn't have made......watch this video below

You're not any type of religion. It means that you're spiritual WITHOUT being religious. Good for you. It also means that you're more open minded than most. The same way no one can (dis)prove the existence of any god.... no one can (dis)prove that their religion is the right one.
You're not any type of religion. It means that you're spiritual WITHOUT being religious. Good for you. It also means that you're more open minded than most. The same way no one can (dis)prove the existence of any god.... no one can (dis)prove that their religion is the right one.