I had a very bad dream. Can anyone help me? This is really important for me!?


Jun 7, 2008
I was very tired and so fell asleep at about 2:30 PM. This was my dream:
I went to school as normal. When i got to school all my best friends were sitting at their desks, hands on table and leaning their head on their hands. Next to their hands were lots of colored pencils. The pencils seemed to slide under their hands. After all the colored pencils slid under their hands, a big light brown plastic looking square came out of their mouths. I got really scared and didn't know what was going on. I ran out of the classroom and ran home as fast as I could. When I got home, the same thing was happening to all my family including my 2 and a half year old sister. My mum saw I looked worried and she asked me what was wrong. When she was talking to me, everything was normal. I told her what was going on and she took me to a therapist. The therapist asked questions and said that i have nothing wrong with me. I then told him what I saw. When I told him, he looked amazed and worried. He took my mum to a separate room and he came back with pills. I went down the elevator and when I got downstairs I saw my crush. My mum wasn't with me as she stayed behind to talk to the therapist. My crush told me that he loves me and if i wanted to go out with him. I was about to kiss him when I saw that the same thing was happening to him (the big brown plastic was coming out of his mouth). I went crazy because I couldn't take it anymore, especially when its happening to my crush. I rolled on the floor screaming and shouting and everyone gathered around to see what was happening. They called my mum and my mum took me home. She gave me the pills and I fell asleep.

Note: I couldn't wake up of my dream. I only woke up when my dad came into my room at like 6:00PM because I was screaming in my sleep. I was sweating and crying and confused and I really didn't know what to do when I woke up. I am only 13 years old and I'm a girl.
This dream all centers around a theme: Things are scaring you! You don't quite feel you can trust yourself, so you are projecting that onto others. You see them, interact with them in a normal environment, then they do something really weird.. Even your crush.

Try to understand that it is natural at your age to not quite be trusting yourself. You are on the edge of being a teen and a kid and a woman! That is a very hard place. My advice is, don't worry abt the dream. Just see it as a guide to your feelings. When you feel scared in real life, tell others your feelings. This will make you have more trust for them and yourself.

I wish you the best.