I hate Christmass.

Well....if you (not referring to you Tamgirl......I'm using the pronoun "you" here in the general sense) have a happy family, financial security and a loving mate (boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse)......then you would love christmas.......Otherwise it is understandable why you would hate or dislike christmas.......the concept is similar to Valentine's Day I guess.....Life's great for some, sucks for others.....Life isn't fair I guess......But it's life.....
Hey Tam girl ,I use to hate xmas with a passion,the reason being so many negative things had happened in the past for a couple of examples my boy was born on boxing day 3 years ago & he was suppose to have not survived when born (but he celebrates his 3rd birthday today,which is a positive he survived ).that was a very stressfull time as i also have other kids to other woman which they had a delay xmas ,which brings me to the other example because i have kids to three different woman there is a lot of friction on when the kids can come & not come & stay at xmas etcetc,I just couldnt stand the BS of xmas.I dont believe in God or santa (which is what all the xmas BS is suppose to be about )commercialy people over do it spending more money they do not usualy spend & getting them selves in debt & then moaning about how much they spent for the next 6 months ,Just so they can start all over again( Go figure ).
This year has been different because of my wonderfull partner ,she shopped at all the bargains through the year for everyone ,so financle all good .
as far as all the kids go ,I know they will get to the age soon and they can make up there minds on when they are comming for xmas etcetc.
xmas to me is looking at the loving family /partner /friends you have ,spending quality time with them,thinking of all the positives now & the future ,Its all good remembering the negatives of xmas of the past as long as you keep thinking of the positives of now,jsut my 2 cents.wish you all positive happinings in this festive session.
I apologize in advance for what will probably at this point in your life seem a rather pretentious commentary.

However, I'm close enough to remembering 19 to know that everything tends to be that way at that age. Especially for someone like you. And note that like you in this case isn't in any way a derogatory term. It's just you seem rather bright and introspective, which isn't the easiest thing to be at 19.

Anyway, this too shall pass. I've got a lot of reasons to be melancholy around the holidays. For the last six years we’ve had to live each day missing a family member who was violently taken from us. I’m currently in a strange liminal period that I never expected to be in at this point in my life. And I'm spending this Christmas far away from someone who I care for very much.

But for all of that, and more that I won’t list in hopes of not being tedious, I’m having the time of my life. And eventually, you should find the same thing. It isn’t most likely around the immediate corner. Nor should you feel it at this moment. But, for what it’s worth know that it’s out there. And I hope that, plus yourself, is enough to get you through for the time being.

I wish you a happy holidays.

- Matt
this year for the first time, the food was good. I made it all my self. Now my wrists hurt, and I dont have to help clean up. This christmass was not as bad as normal.
Last time I checked, participation wasn't mandatory. You can opt out and blow it off. You'll have to suffer through the TV ads, commercial and "get presents" hype etc, but you can simply ignore it like a bad movie.

I don't necessary hate it, but I wish it didn't run so long. Christmas has gobbled up Halloween and thanksgiving, with santa out right after labor day. Now that sucks.
You hate it and want to share that sentiment? I wish people wouldn't do this. I know many people that have this negative view of this season and feel that for some reason the rest of the world needs to know that they are miserable. I suppose misery wants company.

Well I don't hate Christmas at all. The traffic and commercialism of it is a bit of a drag, but the sentiment and overall idea behind it is great. I like that I actually get some time off to share with my family.
I am not trying to spread anti-christmass setement. I am mearly trying to find other people who fell the same way about christmass as I do. I titled the thread "I hate christmass" for a reason. No one said that you had to read this, nor post. I was not asking for people who like christmass. I was looking for people who could share my antichristmass fellings with out being tooled to put on a fake smile and wish everyone else "Marry Christmass" or I will get my gass money cut off.
Hate is a HORRIBLE emotion to have. I've realized that through constant psychological analysis of myself and meditation.

Now, I don't hate my old bullies, I don't hate others who hate me, I don't hate anyone. Sure, I will disagree with alot of things, but hate. . . . that's really bad.

Plus, how can you hate Christmas??? It's sooooo cool.
For most, Xmas is all about eating and drinking, isn't it? And a time for sharing and bearing gifts, and perhaps to reflect on the good and the bad times we had in the past 12 months, and also to look forward to a New Year full on with partying, drinking, and having a good time.
What about the hypocrisy of Xmas and the real meaning behind the birth of the Christ?
Buying=stores cashing in
Stores= wow, keep spending you suckers!
Suckers= they keep spending
Spending = more credit cards woes
Woes= harship sounds right?
Right= is there such thing when many people didn't even have dinner on the night?
Dinner= time to indulge
Indulge= something we can't live without
Without= the people in Sri Lanka
People= most can't give a crap
Crap= what Xmas has become!

Do I like Xmas? Not really. Commercialism destroyed the dream of Santa, and all we do is feed the greedy so they can have more money and a better Xmas.
Let the children dream until they find out the truth behind the guy in the red suit. He is also being paid to spruik you into more spending, and he himself doesn't give a crap about harships and hypocrisy.
And about the spirit of Xmas? just ask the people of Asia, who are now burying 25000 of their own, what they think of Xmas!
If God was supposed to be merciful, I wonder which way was HE looking when the Sunami hit.
BTW I am not Asian, I'm an Australian