I hate Religion of any description. Why do many of you live your lives around

Jun 3, 2008
ficticous Gods?
It causes more trouble than anything i can think of. why?
world war 111 please don't feel bad for me...I don't need anything more than i have aready in my life..I owe nothing to no-one..Even a false God.
Faith you were doing fine until the last sentence...Please don't push your beliefs on me...I have my own mind. x
babycham...likewise i'm sure!..have you proof one exists?...no i thought not.
Morning to you plato....See my point? Religion can insite so much hate.....
David H....People living longer because they believe in God is slightly flawed, people live longer because they are not as stressed......
Cranberry... A wonderful answer,,, Thanyou...Thats all i ask, an answer without ridicule....