I have a boyfriend but i've been noticing how sometimes girls are pretty.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Does that make me bi or lesbian? Listen i have a boyfriend for a while and im sure i love him. when i still kiss him well its the butterflies and everything, that im sure! But i went of on a trip: the first time i noticed a girls butt, well her pants were very tight so it made it stick out you know? then another time i was this restaurant and the waitress had a top that made her boobs look big, and i start staring. Lastly i had a dream that once had started kissing this girl and everything. but my dream skipped the how sexual part....im really confused, i dont know, i love my boyfriend. But im starting to notice when i find a girl pretty. But same goes for guys. Im really confused.
look here honey we all are curious at some point...its just if you could imagine having sex with a chick, then you are bisexual! if you think about kissin a girl and you get grossed out..you are straight girl...good luck!!!
if you just think that she is pretty, then it doesn't mean anything, just that you think she is pretty. But if you can picture yourself dating her, kissing her, just like you can see yourself doing with a guy, they you're pretty much bi. If the feelings are the same for both sexes. If you're not entirely sure, experiment a lil. But either make sure your boyfriend is okay with it first, or wait until you are single. cheating is not cool. and if you really like him, don't break up with him just so you can test out the theory. my friend broke up with her girl to test a theory like that, and it didn't end so well.
if you love your boyfriend and have sexual chemistry(the butterflies in the stomach) you could possibly be bi. Or you could just be curious. Only you can know. If you feel sexual feelings towards women as in you can picture yourself having sex with a female then you are bisexual.

But you should know that the female sexual spectrum is blurred and that women can be turned on by a lot of things. Sometimes it's just the act, others it's maybe envy or admiration and then of course there are the women who actually love women and can only have a relationship with one because that romantic or sexual love isn't felt for men.
sweetie u aren't anything until u take actions on....For rite now, you can mostly be described as bi-curious. I think u are interested in the female body and you can be attracted to a girl in some manners...Maybe you alwayz had this inside of you, but something is starting to trigger it now...You should tell your bf...trust me, he will be ok with it!