I have a really big problem please help me..?


New member
Nov 16, 2008
it's long.
so please read and help me.
elec is my boyfriend.
i'm 17. so is he.

elec has been acting weird for the past two weeks
and has been texting this girl "page"

she spent the night at the same house elec did but i know they didn't do anything. jack denny elec page said they didn't they slept in diff rooms and everything.

anyways, one day at school, he said "skyler hates me"

i thought that was weird because page is dating skyler, and the only reason skyler would hate elec is if page liked elec or elec liked page.
(her name is spelt "page" i guess.)

after school, he came to my house then went home because he had to, like always. his dad makes him.
he came to my house again, and said he needed his glasses to drive. he just got his permit. we looked, and couldn't find them. he said he guessed he just wouldn't drive. so i was like okay, so i guess he was going back home or to the skate park.
well, at 5 i didn't hear from him still. i had a fucking gut feeling. i have never been on page's myspace before, but i actually found it. her page is private. on her extended network it said that elec is over

WTF. i started crying and called him and left a mean voicemail. he called me back. i said what the fuck are you doing there. he said just chillen and watching a movie. then he was like well i'm about to leave to taco bell and i said with her? he said yea and friends. i said i wanted to go. he said he wished i could. later i guess she just sped away and didn't go with them to taco bell. because she knew i was pissed. but she dropped him off. i was crying so hard. the worst. how could he have not told me?

so i called sally and told her about it. she was like alex, that's so weird i was just coming over to give you candy. she was like already at my house, lol. so she came and stayed. and gave me a shirt. well my mom dropped her off at 9, and sally came back at 10 and gave me the shirt. so she called him that night with me and asked where he got his pants. so maybe he would talk about me. he was like, alex and i broke up. AND WE DIDN'T. i was like wtf. but he didn't know i was with sally. and elec told sally that i was calling him a bunch of names, which i was. sally asked him why. he said he didn't know. then finally he said she thinks i'm cheating on her. sally said why. he said he didn't know. then she asked with who. he said page. (like who do i think he was cheating on me with)

so then sally went home

i spent the night at jenns that night
i called him and told him

i talked to dickson (school counselor) about this at school that morning

so at school, i ignored him until 3rd period. he wouldn't even kiss me. so he said we will talk at lunch. we kind of did, but i didn't have any answers.

he said something, and i told him fuck you. he was like wtf. but we were still walking to 5th period. i said " you'd rather hang out with a 14 year old than me?" he said "so."
i said that's is we're done. he said whatever. i started crying in math and went to the bathroom. we have sixth together. awkward. i tried to beg him back. he didn't bother. after school he told me he lost feelings for me. i asked him when. he said when he stopped doing things for our months, which was like 2 months ago. i started crying. he said he needed time. i gave him time. i didn't call him.

but that day i called the suicide hotline. i needed someone to talk to. the first guy mike said he had a too important call for me to call 15 min. later. so i called back 10 min later and i got steve. he was so nice. he said guys do this to girls. and if i go back that elec will think that he can have page and me.

he was right on everything. my mom has been too.

so the next day i ignored him all day until lunch! i was proud of myself. i sat with sally but i had to throw up so i went outside. i didn't end up throwing up. i just sat outside wanting to be with myself. i wrote in my journal.

he came up to me and i ignored him. so he handed me this note and told me to have fun with my new boyfriend. the note said he loved me and fucked up and for me to kiss him and blah blah blah. i wrote him a note after that and said i needed answers. he wrote me back. i didn't really get any.

we talked after school that day and i said we need time. because amber he is the love of my life. i'm so fucking depressed without him. so he went out of town where his mom lives.

my friend denny came over that night to tell me things.
jack told denny that that elec saw page twice besides the first time when they spent the night. and denny told me elec smoked! (ciggs) he use to smoke weed but doesn't. elec never fucking told me he smoked. denny said they did in snelling, like 6 ciggs. i was so pissed i called elec he didn't answer.

so on sat, the next day, i called elec he answered. i confronted him about the cigg thing. he said no.

he said he didn't want to talk we needed time. i didn't call since.

so then my friend ka