I have lost interest in eat...and when i finally try to eat it makes me


New member
Nov 13, 2010
sick, how can fix this? I do not like being skinny, I'm getting very depressed about my wait loss. I went threw a few weeks of not having enough food so I didn't eat often. Then after a while food just didn't sound good. I couldn't bring myself to force down anything. I started to notice that I went a day or 2 with out eating anything more then a cracker or something to make the pain go away. Its been about 4 month of this and now I'm really worried. I try to eat now and when I do it makes me sick and or I feel full after 2 or 3 bites. I have head aches all the time, my hair is falling out, I'm tired all the time, dizzy and faint, and sometimes it feels like my blood is burning. Like I can feel it going threw my body and its like it burning....please give some advice. I'm scared and I don't know how to fix it. And I did not do this to myself to loose wait or anything like that. I just went threw some hard time with less food and it took a horrible turn for the worse.
I go through stages like this were i go right off food and if i go to eat i gag. Unfortunately you have to just push through the grossness and eat, i found it easiest just starting with a piece of white bread toast with butter.
since food makes you sick, send all of the food that you can't eat to africa, I'm sure they wouldn't mind a little extra food.
Why are you here and not seeing a doctor?

So you went hungry for a few weeks and couldn't get used to eating normal food again, right?

Well the symptoms sound a lot like what happens when you don't get enough nutrition, but if you don't eat then your stomach contracts so you can't go back to eating 'normal' amounts of food straight away. So get some medical intervention and that will help with everything.
Ya know you need to talk to a doctor... I think he would be the one that would help the most... The feeling sick is your body getting used to having an empty stomach, you need to drink! Drink water, juice, shakes... Anything you can keep down. There are things you can drink that are high in calories, it doesn't sound like that is the biggest problem but it wouldn't hurt. Go get some "Ensure" at the store, they would be in the drug section and please, go see a doctor. He can give you medication to stimulate you appetite!!!
The hair falling out sounds bad and unususal. But, the rest of the symptoms indicate a gastric problem, possibly an ulcer. Some of the symptoms imitate extreme dehydration. Other abdominal problems would include peritonitis, which is caused by a variety of things. Nobody likes to go to the doctor, but if you are to the point of pain where you can't really concentrate on anything else, I think you should. Peritonitis can cause death. Check your body temperature to see if you have started a fever. If you have, you need to visit the emergency care immediately. Throwing up is a strong sign that something, be it feces or digestive enzymes, has invaded the abdominal cavity if coupled with a fever and pain in the abdomen.

If you want to risk it (which I do _not_ recommend) and are normally in good health, you can nurse yourself with water and multivitamins for a couple days. Doctors that treat this usually do an NPO order, which means nothing by mouth, but if you stay at home, you will have to ingest some water unless you know how to do your own IV, lol.

In any case, it's best not to freak out, because anxiety will cause a raise in blood pressure. Check your vitals (resting heart rate, temperature, blood pressure (intensity of pulse), etc.)