I have proved once and for all that abortion is wrong. Could you argue these fine...


Jul 7, 2008
...points? There's nothing more just then taking a girl who got pregnant and forcing her to raise a child she doesn't want so that not only her life can suck, but also the baby that isn't going to know what it's like to have a loving mother or father can have a life that sucks too. **** that baby! **** it right in the face.

And on the subject of rape victims? Yes it's a perfect idea to force a girl to raise a child that gives her nightmares and reminds her of one of the most tragic events of her life over and over again. After all, it's not like she's getting raped again. Just reminded of it.

And I mean after all they can just put it up for adoption right? Because everyone loves the idea of someone else who they don't know if they can trust or not and never will know taking care of their baby. And it's not like there's hundreds of thousands of babies in China right now that sit in orphanages because nobody will take them in. And even if there were that wouldn't count because Chinese people have no souls.

**** people being happy.. I don't want the world to be a better place. Together we can make it happen.
the poet,
Everything I wrote was done on purpose.
okay someones butthurt lol.

im prochoice, but wouldnt dream of ever getting an abortion myself. even though im not religious, i was still raised that killing people was wrong and youd ''go to hell for sinning''. even though i dont care for religion, i still have the notion that if i cause someones life to end, whether through hell or karma or something, it will bite me in the ass majorly. plus, i just feel plain guilty. hopefully im never in the rape situation you spoke of. thats the only situation i can think of in which id ever consider giving my child up for adoption or ....a..bor...no i cant. that child might be have a rapists but its half mine. other people can abort as they so choose, thats not my business i dont care. but my baby? sigh. please i hope to never be in such a heart shattering situation as that.
Can't argue with that. Your logic is watertight.

(And you're right about Chinese people having no souls too - that's clear from the way they treat animals.)
Go on you tube and listen to Gianna Jessen, an abortion survivor and listen to her story.
The stem cells would help good people regrow lost limbs like war vetrans. A fetus is also not a fully devoleped human being. You would rather make the mothers go through a painful life where there is a good chance it won't be raised well from all the pain and suufering of the mother than help someone is newly paralized walk again and live their lives.
Ah, sarcasm. How refreshing.

But anyways, I respect your opinion. Now, my opinion, as is tradition in the Y!A clan.. where was I?

Ah yes. I believe that teenagers should just learn how to use a f**king condom. Get vasectomies, be abstinent, whatever. Sex is great, but murder is not a great icing on the cake, dig?

But I'm neither for or against abortion. I actually don't care. But I wish you'd think on the fetus for one moment. It will never say it's first words. It will never brush it's teeth, or go to school. Never.

And at the last, Sex. That is all.
Interesting oxymoron at the end of your " question "

Lol @ " I don't want the world to be a better place. Together we can make it happen. "

Do you even see what you said ?
I see what you did there...you should have used ''chekmate'' in the end..ppl won't understand tht ur poeing otherwise...there are actually people who actually believe the poe words u said
I dont agree with abortion, but in the same i cant prove the wrong in it, people who choose abortion will have to live with there child conscious until they repent and ask god for his mercy.
It doesn't matter if you prove it wrong or not. As long as it is legal, people will kill their own kids without blinking an eye. And even if it were made illegal agin, some people would still do it anyhow. More proof that the bible is true.