I have told my best friend im bisexual what would her thoughts be?


New member
Jun 1, 2008
Well i told my best friend of 6 years im bisexual and now im worried that she might be having second thoughts of seeing me ever again i don't want to destroy our friendship its Just we always tell each other our feelings and secrets and i felt down one night and told her.What would she be thinking if you were in her shoes?Do you think she would judge me(she never has before)?Would she want to see me again?

P.S. Im in love with this friend also (female friends) but i haven't told her yet because she is straight and i don't want to loose her.If you were in my shoes would you tell her or not?
Well I think only women can answer this question or gay men because if I was your friend you like, I would start being kinkier. Sorry.

I would tell her anyway because if she is your friend she would stick with you even if she wasn't interested.
Well I think only women can answer this question or gay men because if I was your friend you like, I would start being kinkier. Sorry.

I would tell her anyway because if she is your friend she would stick with you even if she wasn't interested.
no offense but at first if you told me the thought that would be in my head is does she like me? you know? but im sure your best friend isnt gonna stop being your friend just because of that. if shes a real friend she'll stick around. but let that soak in before you add on the whole you liking someone else thing. maybe once she gets used to it you can tell her how you feel about other people. but i dont think now would be the best idea.
6 years worth of friendship is awesome! if she stayed best friends w/ u for 6 years, than that means you hav a strong friendship. if she truly is a really amazing best friend(which she seems like it) than she shouldn't care the least bit. she shouldn't be judging you at all,just cause your different. and if she im sure she's not worried shes probbly just confused. call her and confront her. but now you hav to be more careful about what you say around her because she mite take it the wrong way (only for the first couple of weeks, she has to get used to her best friend being bi)
6 years worth of friendship is awesome! if she stayed best friends w/ u for 6 years, than that means you hav a strong friendship. if she truly is a really amazing best friend(which she seems like it) than she shouldn't care the least bit. she shouldn't be judging you at all,just cause your different. and if she im sure she's not worried shes probbly just confused. call her and confront her. but now you hav to be more careful about what you say around her because she mite take it the wrong way (only for the first couple of weeks, she has to get used to her best friend being bi)