I Joined Bullshido

Bullshido is fun to hang out in when you are completely bored out of your mind and want to pick up a quick chuckle at work( in lieu of MAPperz).. but watch out.. you will be disappointed when you go to add an avatar and they tell you that you gotta pay.. bad timez, bad timez...
You can change your avatar after you reach a certain # of posts. Or, if you haven't been taught patience from your TMA, you can always become a supporting member for $20 U.S (or $450 Canadian) and support one of the most entertaining and useful websites there is around for Martial Arts.

Kudos to the op for registering. Now if you would only post something worthwhile. One step at a time I guess.
Thanks. I think introducing everyone to the manliness that is me is enough for now. Anything else would probably cause brain explosions.
Something worthwhile??? by the time you find something worthwhile on Bullshido, you have already wasted valuable training time.. that's just my biased opinion(I still love it).. I will say that the "throwdown" forums really serve a valuable purpose.. especially when you get those annoying buttheads that slander you on youtube and then challenge you to a duel... -- It's a really good way to separate the frauds from the mods..
You are a glass is half empty kinda guy. I am pretty good at figuring out those kinda things
I actually registered there before I registered here. I post more here, but I scan through both with about the same frequency. I like the substantive posts over there, but I don't get into trolling as an artform, so don't post as often.
Nah, sometimes you just have to call an f-tard an f-tard.

Just make sure you wash your hands after posting there.
I don't like the way they run their site... but probably 99% of Bullshido members are better fighters than I'll ever be
You can't join Bullshido! You'll start to adapt realistic attitudes to your Martial Arts and maybe even stop liking your Kata!
Fixed that one for ya.

I've been a bullshido member for nearly 2 years and post sporadically. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of saying "they're an evil gang of big scary bullies". It's an internet forum full of nerds just like we're an internet forum full of nerds and so is every internet forum. It's just difficult to find anything that interests me there. 90% of the content is in-jokes, regulars calling each other gay, discussion of Pride/UFC and n00bs posting the same repetitive questions and getting flamed. I think "boring" would be a more appropriate criticism than "evil". I guess boredom is in the eye of the beholder though - I'd feel the same way about a Warcraft forum as I've never played it.