I just accidentally found out my A-level results.... I think

it was when i was registering for my uni online, it whent through all my details had to check everything was correct... name date of birth etc,

it came to checking my results were correct (from my 1st 2 years)

and they were just there!!!!!
This is getting silly hun, why don't you give them another call now? They might scarper home and hope you won't care either way when you get A level results tomorrow. So try them again.
It's ok - I know it's not cool :p: In my defence, I've accumulated all those posts over a long time! (not sure if that's any better.. :p:)

And I think you should phone back! The tension is killing me! Although it's distracting me from my nerves about my own results!
Tell the BBC and be proud of yourself that you've discredited the uni that you seem to be going to!