I just bought a 9 week old husky and all he does is whine?


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Hes been whining since yesterday(when I got him) he tried getting out of his cage and made his claw bleed. What can I do to help him stop whining and sleep in his cage?
he is probably grieving for his brothers and sisters. You need to just comfort the puppy make sure he's got enough toys and company and just train him from there. :) he should drop out of it soon :) it also helps to leave a clock next to the cage.. thats what we did it reminds them of there mothers heart beat
spend some time with him. play with him.

In his eyes, you came and took him away from his mama and siblings and he's scared.
And it sounds like you aren't giving him enough attention.
You're NOT supposed to keep him in his CRATE (NOT cage) all day!
You're supposed to give him time outside and play with him and get him to knowing you so he gets over being lonesome.

If you had been taken from your parents as a young child by strangers, you'd have cried as well.

You can take a T-shirt you wear and put that in his crate to comfort him at night when you want to crate him to keep the floors clean and keep him from having accidents. You can also take an old sock and stuff it with other old socks to make a "littermate" for him to snuggle up to when in his crate at night.

But during the day you need to feed him, exercise him, train him... and NOT crate him... let it be available to him as his "safe haven" most of the day unless you need to run errands. -!-
It's normal...He's just left his family, he's upset and is confused about what is happening...You should give him a toy to keep him calm, or you can buy something called a snuggle puppy which is a soft toy thing which you put in the cage, it's warm and has a heartbeat thing inside...It's just like him laying with his mother..