I just set up a 46 gal. saltwater tank and my starter fish instantly die?? ?


Feb 17, 2008
I have a 46 gal. salt water tank
.002 salt
78.5F temp
about 8 lbs of live rock
live sand
10,000k light bulb
Fluval 405 filter
1 power head

After I set up the tank I added 3 Damsels starter fish I floated them for about 15 min then added them into the tank and they almost died instantly so I drained the tank same thing happened again I dont know why, or what I am doing wrong can anyone help me?
I am not new to fish keeping just new to salt water I have a 150 gallon fish a Atlantic stingray and a Moray eel that are very healthy and doing great so I somewhat know how to take care of fish I am just new to saltwater can someone please help me?