I know a lot of you answered my last question. This is still about the lil 8 year


May 17, 2008
old. Is this okay? So he's being like his sister and he wants me with him 24/7 and his sister is now like fine without me but now the lil 8 year old wants me with him when he pees and he wants me to bathe him and he wants me to sleep with him and i don't know if i should or not... any help? He's my friends bro but I call him my bro cuz he and I are close but is it still okay for me to be with him when he pees, or bathe him, or sleep with him?!
Well ok he was adopted and his biological mom just told him on christmas so Idk if that has a part in it or not and he and his brother ( my friend ) don't get along with each other and right now neither do my friend and I
No. It is inappropriate. He is waaay to old to be needing help doing all that. I would say something to his parents about it.
That's ridiculous! He is not a toddler anymore. I think it's totally inappropriate what you are describing here. What kind of kid is this??
I think if he were younger it would be okay, but since he's 8 definitely not. He's old enough to do those things on his own and it's a little strange of him to want you there. I'd kinda back off.
Ok well first hes not your real brother so you need to let him know that like over and over again. and his real brother should be the one who is doing all of that not you. If it keeps going on just let his parents know.COMMON SENSE..
I wouldn't. I know he is like a little brother to you but in reality he isn't. He is your friends kid. You have to be very careful especially if you sleep with him a bath him. Kids sometimes make up stories. That is not your job.

I would just tell him that it isn't appropriate. This can become a big mess and not for the kid but for you.
no that is wrong. if you are with him in the bathroom and when he's sleeping, chris hansen is going to find you.
no that is wrong. if you are with him in the bathroom and when he's sleeping, chris hansen is going to find you.