i lost my inspiration and i've hit writers block ! What do i do!?


New member
Sep 17, 2011
i had an idea bubbled up for ages and i write and write until chapter 2 which is about 2000 words, adn then it's just get lost. I don't know what to write and then when i write it sounds off, like i doesn't suit or sounds bad comjpared to my first 2 chapters.
So what do i do?
I suggest write in little time segments so you won't get tired of your story.

like perhaps in 5/10 minute segments, go off and do something then go back to your story.

this way you have the time to dream up more of your story while you're away from your computer seat as well as stay interested in your story.m:)

as you are now... take a break. Rest your creative mind, perhaps look up some photographs on Deviantart for ideas.


I never suffer from this because I always remember that I am ALL THE CHARACTERS. You need to do the same. With each character, incidents, dialogue between characters, simply say and do exactly what you would do in each instance. You can't lose this way. You'll find that your characters seem to come to life and take a turn of their own in each chapter.

People will tell you to stop writing.

Don't do this.

My advice:
-Revisit your old stories and fine tune them.
-Work on the side stories if you had any that relate to the main one.
-Write short stories for characters that interest you in the main story.
-Write from the perspective of certain characters.

On your edit:

I know what's wrong with you. You started from the actual start.

What you can do:
-Skip a couple of chapters, write a major event.
-Return to where you left of, find ways to tie up the story to that event. Build up the characters and the environment so that you reach that explosive moment you already wrote. You can even fragment the story even more with a list of major events and have them all support one another. From there, just fill in the space in between them.
Three choices:
1) Write anyway on the grounds that if you write badly, you can always edit later
2) Stop forever on the grounds that you're not into the story you're writing and it's just not going to work.
3) Stop for a minute and think about what you're trying to do and meditate on why it isn't working

I can't tell you which one is the best for your situation, but 3 is probably the best generic choice. Take a break for a little while and just think about it for a few minutes. Go for a walk. Write ideas by hand in a little notebook you carry everywhere.
make a plot. a plan of your story, for what you want to do with it, it doesnt have to be precise, and you dont have to stay true to it. But it's a guide line, so even when you're lost and dont know where to go next, you have a guide.

get feedback, there is nothing better at helping us to acheive our goals then getting peopl's opinions of what we've written.

I have been blocked for the past 5 months, i did have my bood (4 chapters & 15,000 words) up on writerscafe.org but i took it down as i was terrified someone would steal my ideas. but if you're only doing it for pleasure/hobby the i dont see why you cant put it up there. i loved hearing people's opinions of it, and what i could improve on.

i took it down, nad when i did, i just couldnt writ like i could before.

Now i'm getting a really good friend of mine to read over it, we do it via e-mail as we dont live close, but i trust her fully and know she wouldnt take it.
since i've started doing this, all my inspiration has come back to me, it's a wonderful feeling.

i really hope i've helped out in some way, and hope you get rid of your block, there is nothing worse for a writer to be bloked, it's almost a feeling of helplessness.

Good luck to you. x