I may be interested in adopting someday, about how much is it to adopt a...


New member
Oct 23, 2010
...child/infant? I have always wondered this, and always been too scared to ask someone who has adopted because I didn't know if it would be rude to ask.......kind of like you never ask how much someone gets paid, or how old a lady is....haha
So about how much is it to adopt? Does it matter how old the child is? Where you adopt from (like country)...thank you!
It is virtually free to adopt from foster care in the U.S. Contact the Department of Child and Family Services in your county to find out when they're offering classes for foster adoption. There are tens of thousands of children in U.S. foster care just waiting for homes and loving families.

Most newborns do not need to be adopted...their mothers need support (financial and emotional) and they can raise their infants themselves. Don't separate a mother and child because of YOUR desires. It's wrong and should be outlawed. If a woman truly wants to relinquish her child to adoption, she should do so through DCFS like it is done in Australia and the UK. In the U.S., newborn adoption is a billion dollar industry that legalizes the selling of infants. It's disgusting.

If you want to adopt a child internationally, I suggest that you move to the country in which the child lives. Just because someone wants a Chinese, Russian, or Korean baby doesn't mean the baby should have to lose his or her language, culture, religion, and customs.

Oh, and yes...I walk the walk.