I met the man of my dreams but i messed up. how can i fix it?please read.....?


Apr 6, 2008
I met the man of my dreams and at first he was so lovely, he introduced me to all his friends.he was attentive. although he did not have that much of an interest in sex. when i met him i was having problems in my flat and he asked me if i wanted to stay with him for a while. i stayed for 1 week, he seemed happy sometimes kissing me checking i was ok etc but not much sexual interest and he was going out and not inviting me or just doing his own projects constantly at home which i was slightly surprised about because he was so full on before. then i went home for a week and he offered to pick me up from the station on my return. while i was away he called me quite a bit and i felt confident about us. when i arrived at the station he came late and was no t affectionate at all.he said he was sick. he asked me to return to his house and i did. i was really concerned and asked him if he had changed his mind he said no. then he totally ignored me all evening until i got upset. he apologised and we had dinner.the next day he said he was sick and wanted me to leave.i was upset. i was really upset because it was so abrupt and sudden.that evening we met up again and he seemed ok we went to his friends party and at around 1 or 2am i felt sick i was too drunk. i asked to go home. he was djing at that house party and was really really pissed off. he shouted at me in the taxi back. we made up. the next day i asked if he was ok because he hadn kissed me since i had been back.he got angry and he said he was going to put on facebook we broke up because hes a dj and he did not want ppl to know he had a girlfriend. i was upset and i cried and we made up. i went out. the next evening he called my best friend and said he wanted a break from me.when i got home hepushed me out the door with just a pair of knickers in my hand.there was not much explanation. i got upset and i called his friend and asked him what happened but his friend did not know. finally my boyfriend said we could not be together until i got a job-i had been struggling to find one-- i was too obsessed with him he said. during the next week he would often speak to my friend on the phone. he sometimes called me but kept telling me i was hysterical on the phone when i was calm and that i was so selfish. after 1 week he finally agreed to let me get my clothes.i went round and he kissed me passionately. he said he still liked me and cared for me as before.he had packed and washed all my things.he said he did not want to break up but needed space.i SAID ok the next day he asked me to go for dinner.during dinner he did not talk much and was quite rude. he kept saying that i wanted to go home with him.i refused but he asked me to finally. i got there, we hugged and held hands and kissed at night. bu he took his phone into the bath with him and i felt suspicious.i sent a text message to him intended for my flatmate by mistake because i was thinking about him. he came out of the bath and he accussed me of spying on him. we made up.we hugged i left. the next day i had a job offer.i called him and asked him to go for drinks to celebrate.he refused and said i was selfish. he didn want to meet me for a while. i felt hurt . i asked his friend on facebook for advice.his friend refused to get involved.after a week he called me. he told me i was his best friend that he did not wan to lose me.i was a good person.he did not want to break up but could not be together for a while he was stressed.he was sorry i was confused. i was so confused i decided to go out.my friend made sure he wasnt going to be at the same club but when i got there he was there. he acted so cold and i was shocked to see him. i got drunk.i asked one of his friends if he had gone home because i hoped he had.when i was dancing he came up to me and told me we had to break up that i should not talk to his friends about him. he was so angry. i asked him not to do this on the dancefloor.he refused to go outside.i got angry and said if he was any kind of a man he would alk to me properly quietly not in a club.he was so angry and stormed off.his friend accussed me of stalking him because that club is his regular club. he deleted me from facebook.since then i was so hurt i went to my parents house. this week i learnt he had been saying that i had set up a fake facebook page trying to get info about him asking him about me and for sex. it wasnt me but it seems the person knew alot about us both.he convinced his friends and my friend it was me. they think i am crazy. he sent me a text saying i should never touch him again. i was this fake girl. he hated me. i don know what to do. i fell into a huge depression. hes a model and a dj and quite famous. i feel isolated. i am on medication. i tried to ask ppl where i went wrong but they are sick of me being depressed. how can i return to my life in london. hes told so many ppl this story. can someone tell me what i did thats really bad?i need to know so i can fix it!!