I need help to earn money please?


Jul 5, 2008
I am sooooo happy, my parents have said I can get a horse after lots of convincing if I buy it myself. I have done the sums and I will need $10 000 to keep the horse and about $2000-4000 to buy.

I have already saved up $1000 and I get $10 pocket money a month, I will be getting a job doing the paper run that will give me $80 a month.

Any ideas on earning some more money will be SOOOO appreciated. I have three dogs and a parrot and know how to care for them and enjoy it .I also used to have two guinea pigs and I have one fish. I am 13 years old and will work very hard. Hope that helps on what sort of thing I can do to earn Money.

I do know how to care for horses and I personally say that I am a experienced rider and has been riding for 7 years. I do realize that owning a horse is an ongoing cost and that I will need to worm it , have it's teeth checked, farrier once every 6-8 weeks and emergency vet bills.