I need help with my iPhone 4 6.3 GB?


May 14, 2008
my iPhone 4 that is 6.3 GB runs out really fast?? I don't know why.. I only have 15 songs, 2 videos (1 mins video eacch) 2 photos and 9 apps.. and i only have 1.2 gb left?! My mom said I cant switch my phone until 2 years are up.. the apps i have re instagram-1.2 gb, photos and camera - 484 MB facebook - 201 MB music-73.6 MBwe heart ii-34.7MB pixlromatic-32.9 MB youtube-17.6 MB snapchat-14.9 MB and camwowpro-12.7 MB ... it doesn't make any sense!! how can that take up that much space? and i can't delete them.. because i use them all daily.. i dont know what to do.. help.. and does Icloud take up space on your iphone (since its 5gb and my phone is only 6.3 will it need 5 gb or something?