I need some manga suggestions...? Angsty Male lead.?


May 20, 2008
Ok, so I've come to terms with the fact that my requirements are too specific, and there aren't THAT many shows out there that fit what I'm looking for. So maybe there are some good manga out there...

I like the angsty, depressed, hard done by male lead. Preferably late teen/young adult. I don't mind shonen-ai as long as its tastefully done and not completely over the top

Characters I have liked from anime:
Ritsuka-loveless (a little young though)
Okazaki - Clannad
Athrun - Gundam Seed/Destiny
Kanda/Lavi - D. Gray man.
All the guys from Uraboku
Tieria - Gundam 00
Main character from Bakuman

Also the art has to be nice, so preferably something fairly recent. I haven't read that much manga, so please open my eyes to something new. If you can think of some anime too, give it a shot but chances are I've tried it.

And don't reccommend anything mainstream like Bleach, Naruto, Deathnote, etc.
If you say Ouran host club... you're black listed. (JK, but srsly....)