I need some random music?

Listen to Mike Posner,
No seriously do it,
He's really good and you can download his whole cd for free on itunes.
Dutch music!

Duvel Duvel - Wie is ut?
Spinvis - Vook ik vergeet

Seriously, try that out. :) The first one is rap, the second one is cool lounge. I'm not going to lie, the dutch rap REALLY makes me laugh. (Sorry Dutch friends!)
Well since you're into the whole russian polka scene, try an album called "Gulag Orkestar" by Beirut. It's Balkan influenced and it's easily one of my favorite albums, well almost any album by them. You might also wanna try a band called the Kocani Orchestra (or Orkestar depending on where u come from) some of their earlier music is quite good.
Don't like country, huh?

Well, I'll be annoying, then. Check out New Riders of the Purple Sage. They included members of The Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane. I'd describe them as psychedelic bluegrass. They're fantastic.

Or 17 Hippies, an ecclectic multi-instrument German group. They're great too.
Don't like country, huh?

Well, I'll be annoying, then. Check out New Riders of the Purple Sage. They included members of The Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane. I'd describe them as psychedelic bluegrass. They're fantastic.

Or 17 Hippies, an ecclectic multi-instrument German group. They're great too.
Just listen to..
Alexander rybak-fairytale
Its pretty awesome song ..........

Well since you're into the whole russian polka scene, try an album called "Gulag Orkestar" by Beirut. It's Balkan influenced and it's easily one of my favorite albums, well almost any album by them. You might also wanna try a band called the Kocani Orchestra (or Orkestar depending on where u come from) some of their earlier music is quite good.
Don't like country, huh?

Well, I'll be annoying, then. Check out New Riders of the Purple Sage. They included members of The Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane. I'd describe them as psychedelic bluegrass. They're fantastic.

Or 17 Hippies, an ecclectic multi-instrument German group. They're great too.