i need to see what my husband looking at in the internet. he always clean the


Jun 2, 2008
history after he use it ? i just need to know the truth please tell me if you know
if he loves you and you love him and he treats you right and he hasn't done anything to make you think he's cheating on you (like going for boys weekends with people you don't know or coming home smelling like a woman) then forget about it! no one ever said you need to know every little thing he does every second of the day! just like you don't have to tell him every little thing you look at or do all day! trust a little bit. no one is perfect and if you look hard enough there will always be something you can stress about or you could enjoy your life and be happy that you found someone you love and who loves you to spend your life with!
If he's erasing his history, that means he's looking at sites he doesn't want you to know about. At least he cares enough about you to take the time to erase whatever, so you won't be hurt by it. If he is loving, caring, attentive, respects you, and otherwise is a good husband to you, don't ruin it by trying to find out something that will just hurt you and your marriage. Is he acting weird or different towards you? If he isn't, just drop it.
just straight up ask him you will know if he is lying and if doesn't want to share it you ask him why if he starts to get mad that's a red flag
this is what i say " if your having to lie about it you shouldn't be doing it"
i'm not sure how to check after history has been cleared. it is more than likely just porn. dont dig around. most guys look at it, it will be better if you dont know anymore than that
More then likely it's porn. He might have cleared out the history because he's not the only one that uses the computer plus whenever someone logs on after downloading porn.....pop ups just keep coming after that.
he's probably looking at porn and doesn't want you or the kids to mistakenly see what he was looking at.

I wouldn't worry too much about it now. and actually, regularly cleaning the history is a good way to keep spyware and tracking cookies off your computer.
I know there is a program that can be put on a computer that will show you exactly what they are looking at.
Do a google search.. No reason to be sneaky... hmmmmm

good luck! and hope its nothing