I recently brought my cat to meet my boyfriends cat...?


May 16, 2008
My boyfriend and I recently decided that we should have our cats meet since eventually we will be moving in together and want to see how the cats got along. My cat is a 6 month old femal and his cat is a 6 year old male. They get along fine, the only problem is my cat refuses to use the litter box. I went out and bought her her own litter box and he has his own and I make sure he doesn't go into hers yet she continues to poo and pee in the corner of my boyfriends bedroom or in the bathtub even though the litter box is there for her. I'm at the point now where I feel like in order for us to live together I am going to have to get rid of her because she is not behaving. She has never had this problem at my house. Any suggestions on how to make her stop doing this?
Are you placing her litter box in the same area where it would be at her house? Her going in the tub makes me think she may want privacy. Try getting a cardboard box large enough to cover the litter box and high enough for her to stand in it. Cut an entrance for her and put it over the litter. Show her where it is. It may work. Good luck