I see a strong trend of agreement between the Reps and the Dems forming, a coalition


New member
Sep 12, 2008
in the making? Both sides are agreeing on a large variety of similar issues.
1) The government is unable to run anything right, effectively, efficiently
2) All the politicians are crooks and run by lobbyists
3) The army can't win any wars
4) The top 2% of Americans are raping the rest of America
5) The health care industry is just that...an industry
6) Schools are a mess and aren't getting better
7) The gap between rich and poor is wider now than 1935
8) Most of you will not retire when and how you planned
9) America is probably the most hated nation on earth
10) America will be a second rate manufacturing country for decades to come.
11) The Constitution is 300 years out of date and needs a strong review.

So the question is....when are Americans going to overthrow their enemies from within...and take back their country? Where are the street riots and the Washington Marches and the cars burning along Main Street?

Even the French have more Balls than the average American.

Are Americans too stupid to fix these problems? Clearly they were too stupid to see them coming, or maybe they were just watching Michael Jackson and wishing they could be a celebrity too.

Pathetic, sad, moronic, self-destructive, lazy, sheep.

You pick, America is at a crossroads and they can't even read a map.