I started a new religion. I GUARANTEE I can convert you?


New member
Oct 28, 2008
Religion finds itself in a pretty good logical position if you think about it. It cannot be proven wrong since sentimentality matters more than facts. God can be attributed to anything and can be used as an excuse for any contradictory evidence of his nonexistence found by science. One such knee slapper would be that some Evangelicals claim that God planted dinosaur bones in the ground to test our faith. Wow, how convenient. I didn't know God was a prankster.

So I decided to start my own religion. My religion is that everything was created by me right now, right this second. I implemented every memory/idea/personality/individuality you had before this moment into your head to "test your faith". Prove me wrong.

"Ah!" , you say, "that is just highly improbable and silly!"

Well, now you know how Atheists feel.

Granted, my religion is a very over simplified version of Deism. But I think it cuts through most of the b*llshit to get to the core of the point here.

So who will become my follower?