I think doing the dishes makes me have eczema?


May 28, 2008
can tht happen?, I was tryna tell my mom but she doesnt believe me! but like even right now my hands r burning cuz today was my day for dishes and I love the religion section I stay here
Wear rubber gloves. Eczema? Are you a licensed dermatologist? Yes, dishwater can irritate skin.
Lol, but yes to your question, you should get signs like redness and itching, try apple cider vinegar, after doing the dishes, it'll relieve the itchiness.
Do a test, wipe some, on some skin and see if it gets inflamed.

People have allergies and reactions to things.
The most well known is the peanut one,
where some people just get a whiff of peanuts and swell up.

Use gloves or change the dish washing detergent.
Or maybe you just don't like doing dishes...