I think I have OCD


New member
Apr 27, 2008
so i think I have OCD.

I always feel like my clothes are gonna get dirty if i rub against stuff, my room always has to be super clean, i have to shower in the morning no matter what, i bite my finger nails, if my hands feel the slightest bit greasy i wash them, i re-arrange my closet a lot, etc. etc.

Anyone else do weird shit like this?
I stick thumb-tacks into the cap of my penis a lot. Does that mean I have OCD?
I'm actually the dick that you see most often in that video. There's a scene of a dude in a bath-tub with no dick and a backwards hat, that's my brodie.
I lol'd.

But stop hijacking bitch. Not that anyone cares about this thread anyways.
I'm actually the dick that you see most often in that video. There's a scene of a dude in a bath-tub with no dick and a backwards hat, that's my brodie.
I'm actually the dick that you see most often in that video. There's a scene of a dude in a bath-tub with no dick and a backwards hat, that's my brodie.
Im not sure if what you have is full blow OCD.
OCD is characterized by a few things..
1) It has to hinder you from normal day to day living, or normal functioning.(define normal)
2) The obsessions(ex. cleaning your room) has to be so strong that it stops you from having a normal life.

I think you just have some compulsions. I don't think it is in the obsessive stage yet. When you get like Monk, then you need help.

And it might not be because you have OCD, it may be because you're just a heightened germaphobe.
i dont think you have ocd, becuase alot of ppl do those things.

my dad has minor OCD and he does some crazy shit.
-he made me move our huge ass TV because he saw a pencil under it
-he wakes me up at like midnight sometimes to tell me to close the shower door
-if i move one of our unused dirtbikes like a cm over he will notice
-any slightly unclosed door will piss him off

keep in mind this is only minor OSD so i cant even imagine if u had it bad