I think i hit a deer, but what happen to the deer? *pics*

You didn't hit this deer. It was posted in ST;A a week ago by another user and it was on a website.

for all of you that dont belive me yes ThAT IS MY CAR, and i do live in germany. and some how the pics where stolen off my comp and onto ebaums world...
I like how your location says east side... so Germany is east side I'm taking it?
I guessing that is a dog rather the a deer because the hair in the second pic looks a little too long for it to be a deer's fur. I could be wrong though.
Oh look, you added a turbo!

Shens. Provide more pics with username on paper and maybe, just maybe we'll believe you.
i was on the auto bond with my german dad whos my biological father. so where going like 145ish and their was this stupid idiot deer standing in the middle of the road lookin at us. now you see it....now you dont...
the fact that he can't even spell autobahn correctly and tried to tell us the speed in mph is proof of massive shens. what providence/city do you live in? that is what i thought fuckin liar.

edit, that is infact a dog, not a deer.
lol epic

I feel bad for the poor bastard who has to go in there and clean that shit out.


I love it when people stright up lie even when there is an immense amount of facts that prove their statment other wise, and they just keep digging them selves deeper. I would have expected more from an 04 member.
it looks more like a dog than a deer(judging by its fur/hairs). i lold though. it looked like someone intentionally tried hitting it.
lol that guy hit the bigfoot from the other thread... and killa trixta keep digging urself deeper into this massive shens hole, its funny
Hmmm.. It was 2am, I was writing a paper that you know absolutely nothing about, I had enough caffeine in me to make Muhammad Ali look like a brain surgeon so as you can imagine I wasn't exactly paying close attention to every detail in the picture.

But hey, you're right :rolleyes: