I think my g/f is trying to kill me. help!?


Jun 14, 2008
My girlfriend has always been controlling and a little unstable. I've learned to deal with her mood swings and be supportive of her. But lately, its like she's just gone crazy! She's definitely sadistic and dominating, but its past experimenting with whips or bondage. She enjoys hitting me, scratching me, biting me. The other night, a group of us were watching Glass House 2 and the mom was cutting her daughter. A guy friend of our said he thought cutting someone might be interesting (more as a joke than anything) and she offered to cut him or let him butcher her! Then she threw herself on top of him right in front of me! I was in shock, the guy refused and said he wasn't serious and she got pissed! So, I said something about it being over, and she grabbed me hard and screamed "You love me and you will NEVER EVER leave me!" Then she slapped me.
I know I need to get away from her, obviously she is psychotic, but deep down I do care for her and I want her to get help. I'm afraid she might harm herself or others if I let her go on like this, but I really don't know how to bring up the subject without her going crazy again. I don't want to stay in this relationship, but I really don't wanna die either. What should I do? We are all adults, its not like I can tell her parents or school counselor or anything.