I think that all homophobes are insecure about their sexuality,...?


New member
Nov 22, 2008
and cover it up by trying to prove to themselves that they are straight by hating gay folks, except for me, I am 100% straight, straighter then a straight line that is completely straight, with no insecurity in my homophobia. Do you agree?
I am so straight, I get hard-ons by completely straight men because I am that straight!
almost 100% of the times homophobes are actually gay themselves, but haven't accepted who they are. so i definately agree with you
i have been saying that for years but i dont buy that you get hard from men if you are straight
The word homophobe makes no sense. I can disagree with something without having an irrational fear of it. Or shall we start referring to atheists as theophobes or gay people as heterophobes and secretly straight?
"No insecurity in my homophobia" has me stumped...what kind of remark is that? Homophobia arises out of ignorance, fear of the unknown, and irrational religious teachings... are you saying you are homophboic with no reason? Personally, I would not be proud of that remark. Just an observation.
Yeah, I agree that most homopobes are insecure about their sexually. About two weeks ago, I was with my younger brother and his best friend. We went to a movie and as we were sitting, I sat down by my brother's friend and he freaked and said "oh no, skip a sit, that's gay". I just laughed it off. I didn't get how that would make you gay. I think the kid might be a closet case.