I took my bike to a bike shop and they said I had a cracked frame.... I think...


New member
May 24, 2008
...they are lying.? I got a Nishiki road bike from a yard sale...the chain was gone and the lady said it was a good bike but the family no longer used it anymore... it was two old people. I took it to a bike shop practically across the street for new chain and tune up and they said there was a crack in the frame and they could do nothing. I don't see this fracture and didn't even show me they just told me it was there. I then asked what their cheapest bike was... and it was 2,000 dollars. I then got it home and could not fine this crack... just a 2 cracks in the paint. I then scratched off the paint surrounding it and it was just a crack in the paint. I would understand that a cracked frame in non repairable and welding is an unsafe fix... through I have friends who weld bikes together (tall bikes and such). So a couple questions... where would cracks occur? is it at all repairable?