I took my ipod shuffle through the washer for a couple min. before realizing it was


May 18, 2008
in there? I let it dry out for a couple days before turning it on. I put it in a bag of rice, and blow dryed it. The first time I tried it, it played songs, however it never would charge nor show up on my computer when I plug it in. The battery is now dead and I cant get it to charge, its been about a week now. any suggestions?
Go to your nearest Apple store and bring it to the Genius Bar, they should help if you have a warranty. If not you can buy either a refurbished or new one.

You need an appointment so go to Apple.com and create one.
Or set one-up at the store.

Good luck!!!
it doesn't work anymore
if u put ur phone / ipod in the wash
it'll stop working
buy another one is my suggestion
my best suggestion is plug it in and use the help button on itunes to reset the ipod, you will loose all your information on it but you might get the pod working right again! best of luck
The reason its doing that is either the battery is damagedor the wires can still be wet and it may be short circuiting... If you can try opening it up and dry it then unplug and reconnect all the wires. You can also buy really cheap parts on ebay like batteries.