I want a vacation and can't afford one!!!!?


New member
Mar 21, 2011
I haven't been on a vacation for TWO YEARS!!! Unless you count being a summer camp counselor one week out of my summer.. that is the closest I get and it's free which is why I do it. I know alot of people probably have gone longer without one, but I've been working in a home daycare as an assistant barely making $120 a week, and when you have a car payment of $100 every month, and are saving for school, you usually can barely afford to buy clothes. I've applied for dozens of other jobs with no luck. It doesn't help that all but one of my friends it gone this week. Even my cousins are gone to see their mom.... I hinted to come with because I knew they had... and flat out said I need a vacation, and they didn't even bother to invite me with. Had I gone, I would have had my cousin (not related to them) pick me up when we arrived and spent the week with them. I honestly feel invisiable, like if people really cared about me they would invite me some place with them. Tempted to do something stupid from it but I wont cuz I know its only a week.