I want to quit playing soccer?


Mar 30, 2008
I've been mulling this over for a little over a year; I don't like going to practices and games and I don't feel any passion to get better, I just want to get through the day. I am friends with the girls on the team, but I've never been truly close to anyone because I constantly change clubs. It has never gotten to this point where I dread practices. Before, I used to always juggle around the house and practice my moves, whereas now I don't care to get better. I feel bad because my team is everything you could ask for: kind, hard-working, and everybody volunteers their time so the costs are low. I want to try other sports, like field hockey and track, things I was never allowed to do because of my soccer commitment. Should I just stick it out for another three years, until I graduate? Or just quit now?
You should bail out of soccer if you don't enjoy it. Try other sports if you're not interested. You'll dislike playing soccer as time goes on and your friends and teammates will know you're not trying and that could cause friendship problems.

If you don't want to play, don't play. Don't feel obligated.

Good luck!
If you just don't enjoy it, then why bother? It is really kind of obvious, if you don't like it, don't do it. Try a different sport you suggested, it's all about having fun, not doing it just because your team is nice. They should understand, and if they don't... well then they're idiots lol. Do what you want to do.
Same here. I have never played soccer before. I am really out of shape so my mom told me to join a sport in high school. i chose soccer because i thought it was a simple sports. but i was wrong. right now i want to quit soccer and want to play golf because i tryed it when i was little and had some fun time even though i quit.