I was surprised by the quality of the product:LOST


Feb 25, 2011
I must say that as a big fan of LostLost DVD I was going to buy this product more or less no matter what. That said, I was just surprised by the quality of the product and experienced collectors place. The extras are within a bonus, but what really amazed me was the experience of decision makers in Blu-ray. Lost is always lookingWalt Disney DVD for secrets and secret information, the Blu-ray does not disappoint in this aspect. The menu includes the ability (with a little touch of a button) to find many hidden gems behind the scenes views and featuretts you need to find themselves. Not only does the Blu-ray discs are the hidden items, but the case itself is hidden inside with some additional information and Sopranos DVDfeatures, does not want to ruin other fans lost, but give you a hint, use the UV-LED pen and shine all with the set.If you are a lost fan you must buy this set. It is packed with features and hidden secrets. The visual quality of Blu-Ray is amazing. I had to dock it a starScrubs DVD because of the fact that not only is there no comments about "The End" but the comments themselves are not listed as special features on the discs for a sixth season, I had to go online and find the episodes have commentary and manually select the soundtrack. In addition, the booklet that lists the episodes do not mention what specific characteristics are what drive. Would have been handy. Other than that there is aThe Tribe DVD tremendous amount of value of this set for the best show in television history!