If Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Wicca were various


New member
Mar 24, 2013
weapons,...? ...what (physical) weapons would they be, and why?

Thank you for your answers.

The Marlboro Man
Christianity would be a sword because its outdated and only the close minded would still use a sword and not advance technologically to newer weapons
Islam would be a nuclear bomb, self explanatory
Hinduism would be a pistol because they flood the slums of america
Buddhism would be a piece of paper because it cant do any harm
Wicca would be biological warfare because it's considered taboo.
Christianity is a dooms day device...something so horrible, it hasn't even been named yet.
Islam is a bunch of kamikaze psychos packing dirty bombs or something.
Hinduism is starvation in the shape of a cow.
Buddhism.....wth would they be doing with a weapon?
Wicca is a bunny cannon.

I think these might be self explanatory.
Christianity - Morning Star ... to bludgeon you with
Islam - see Christianity
Judaism - Nukes ... because you have to be part of the exclusive club to be in it
Hinduism - have to be a sniper rifle with laser scope wouldn't it ... how else do you explain the dots on the foreheads
Buddhism - no weapons ... special defense: self immolation (can be used only once)
Wicca - special attack : appalling dress sense
They'd all be swords or heavy hammers.

They all attack by taking away our ability to think clearly.

hmmm ...
they'd all be blindfolds.