If I answer "Stevie Ray Vaughn" to every blues question, how many points...


New member
Nov 28, 2008
...can I earn per week? Certainly some of you must know?

I want to win that Yahoo toaster oven as soon as possible.
HEY...I did misspell his name, didn't I !
Just laughing and typing too fast, I guess....
You left out the fact that SRV invented the guitar.
HOW IS IT POSSIBLE, that I come back here after 10 hours, and there is only ONE new answer. BUT everybody has multiple thumbs downs..and ONE guy has 5 thumbs up in a few hours....and he badmouths ALL black blues players?

I tend to agree with Conchobo...his theory about certain multiple voting identities.
None of those ' 5 thumbs up' people left a new, similar answer.
You left out the fact that SRV invented the guitar..
NOW... NOW I GET IT......you too are joking! Man, I need another cup of coffee to wake up.
I dunno ...

But why not double your chances by answering "Stevie Ray Vaughan" and "Robert Johnson" to everything ;)
You'll need 12000 points
The YAHOO toaster (Stevie Ray edition) comes with several toasty settings:
1..Cold shot
2. Toast Before Sunrise
3. Texas Flood Toast
4. Chitlins Con Carne

5. Report Abuse
Tens of thousands of points. As most of my fellow Caucasians passionately know, SRV invented the blues all by himself in Austin during the late 1970s, then went on to shock the world with this never-heard-before three chord pattern.

SRV is the only person ever to play the blues. All those African Americans over the past centuries are not blues players.