If i lust over men but love women, does that make me gay?


Active member
May 16, 2008
Im 17 yrs old, I lust over men but i love women emotionally. Am I gay? What do i do?
I assume you love AND lust over women, whereas you only lust over men? In that case, you're bisexual.

If you lust over men but don't love them and love women but don't lust over them, well, I guess you'd be gay, but you also have my pity . . . that would suck.
no one can answer that question besides urself. Honestly the truth is u seem confused and the only ur going to find out is if u go out and experiment when ur ready. ur still a kid.
I think you are confused with who you like. Maybe you are bisexual? But, you seem pretty concerned and upset that you could be gay, so most likely you are not. There is nothing wrong with being turned on by other men, but if you can not picture yourself in a relationship with another man, then I do not think you are gay. Maybe when you have sex with a woman you will change your mind since you love them emotionally you will probably find out sooner or later since you have the ability to be in a relationship with them. Good luck! and only be who you want to be, don't care about anyone else.