If poor blacks are going to whine about needing help, shouldn't they?


New member
Nov 21, 2010
hide their 60" plazma tvs before pleading poverty. If I see one more story and the single (ho) mom has a big screen, I will go nuts. Anyone else think they should maybe not have spent all their money on crap.
If rich whites are going to whine about needing help to invest in expanding their own business operations, shouldn't they hide their 7- and 8- figure incomes?

To answer your question, most poor blacks don't have those things.
can you please reference anywhere even one story of a black person with a big screen whining for help?
Yeah, I hate seeing people (of any race) who are complaining about needing help and money yet they own plasmas and iphones, and carry around Gucci bags. Maybe they should spend their effing welfare checks on stuff that is actually needed.