If ppl who are racist towards blacks saying their ugly, smell funny then.......?

that's just it if u ignore the problem then ur just putting it aside and causing more problem plus they weren't even on the same continent on the first place/yes i know it was forced but after liberation they could have gone back(im speaking the now for those who can afford) have u ever heard of out of site out of mind, they wanted to be noticed and so they were that's just a side effect.

yes they do smell though not all of them but when they do their hair they use creams and oils and they iron it, so its smells terrible, this for someone who doesn't live With them finds it repulsive

most humans have differ rent skull structure since blacks aren'tt native they look funny tothosee who are native to theContinentt, or who over populate the nation.. this meaning whites and hispanic/ native americans... when u notice a small part u tend to noticeeverythingg else.

though theyaren'tt uglythey'ree i know really pretty blacks

p.s about the ignore part look upHasidimc jews and youll see what negative comments come about when different races ignore each other or religions.