If somebody was born into a hindu family and they were raised that way


May 13, 2008
in that religion would they go to hell? Am I the only one to belive that is unfair that they could possibly go to hell for being born into a family of a non christian religion.Its not like they choose it and thats how they were raised so and I was raised in a christian family.Dont say these places dont exsist or god because I believe and thats my choice.
I am sorry if this offends any1 in any way.
Fyi I have a hindu friend and I just used that as an example cuz I know they believe in many gods false gods to me though.
I dont really belive non belivers go to hell I just think that would suck If you did bcause a hindu person wouldnt know better or a christian whatever your belives are and My question was Am I the only one to belive that is unfair that they could possibly go to hell for being born into a family of a non christian religion.